Pastor Greg's Welcome

Welcome to our Church!
Thanks for stopping by our web site. We are a community Church who believe in the Bible as God's inspired Word.  We invite you to join in our fellowship and worship experience. We meet on Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. for Bible Study (all ages), 11:00 a.m. for Worship.  If you wish to know more about our beliefs, please click on the " What we believe" button or call us at (442) 600-4830.  Have you felt the Spirit is speaking to your heart that " The time is near,"  that we are living in the times the Bible describes as the last days? We look forward to the coming of Christ as the grand climax of this earth's history. Jesus is right now preparing homes up there and hearts down here.
Come and join us in seeking His truth
God Bless you,
Pastor Gregory Harper, D.Min